作战体系(Combat System)伴随着战争的出现而出现,是指由相互依存、相互作用的各种作战要素、作战单元、作战系统在一定环境中组成的实现特定作战功能的整...
Aegis Combat System 宙斯盾战斗系统 ; 宙斯盾作战系统 ; 宙斯盾
Future Combat System 未来作战系统 ; 美国陆军未来战斗系统 ; 斗系统
Frontline Combat System 前线战斗系统
the Cinematic Combat System 电影化战斗系统
Marine Corps LINE Combat System 海军
Cinematic Combat System 电影战斗系统
integrated combat system 综合作战系统
combat system management plan 武器系统管理计划
The equipments of the combat system need many types of data, and the traditional tight coupling data access are not efficienct enough. A new data access mechanism based on communication middleware is proposed.
参考来源 - 作战系统数据访问机制的设计与实现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The ship was recently completed with the combat system equipment.
selected ship systems equipment, consisting of weapons, sensors, computers and the ship's combat system;
Lockheed Martin Australia and Research Team for Royal Australian Navy sea 1000 Submarine Combat System pursuit.
洛克希德·马丁公司和Acacia研究公司正在合作,竞标澳大利亚皇家海军SEA 1000未来潜艇项目作战系统集成商的这一角色。
But in any event, the vaccine is intended to stimulate the immune system to produce an effector response— either antibodies or specific cells— that can combat spread of the microorganism through your body.